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From "Letters to a Young Poet," Rainer Maria Rilke: “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Found Poetry

Communication Business

The night was a starry dome,
quiet and mostly unintelligible.
"Yes, the homeowner is here."
I'm really not supposed to be here.
"She can't talk."
Communication business.
"No, she literally can't talk."
Timing is critical
in body surfing
(kind of like raising
my middle finger at you).
Look at this lesson
in survival:
Spill from eyes
to computer
and out to the world.
If voices around
keep shouting
their bad advice
quiet the circuit.
Never complain
about getting old.
This is not what you wanted,
but it's what you got:
changes you could make
time with a friend
who God must think
is a real powerhouse.
No real purpose or reason
made it just what I needed.

Christmas 2018
Words Sources: Kay Metzger Groll, Erik Silkensen, Joni Mitchell, Marcia Silkensen, Mary Oliver, and Larry Stocker

Stories of Hope

Just keep repeating until you believe it:
experience pure joy.
experience pure joy.
Those moments will change who you are,
desperately searching for stories of hope.

Terminal diagnosis.
Completely paralyzed.
Hanging around getting in the way.
...it's not as bad as it sounds.

My attempt at a thumbs up has reached the tipping point.
Autocorrect thinks I say "ass" a lot,
confirmed what I already knew.
My voice is me, my personality, and
it sounds somewhat like me, rather than a robot.
It sounds kind of like a boring me
(we have a love/hate relationship).

There are many legitimate medical reasons to use marijuana:
A different type of peace and happiness,
something strikes you inappropriately as funny.
Accommodating the realities we wish were other,
and doing it with grace.

With one shot at this crazy ride, I wonder:
"Am I loved?" and "Did I love well?"
Today I celebrate being alive,
and that's pretty great. 

Knocked from my Strong Place was
a cleansing and yet exhausting feeling of 

Somehow these stories lose something
when they're covered with a band-aid.

But I'm not done yet!
There's still so much to learn...
What is the best treat to order at Dairy Queen
(the dip cone, crunch cone, or Buster Bar)?

Eating is so last year.

Instead of giving up, we adapt,
finding humor in even the most dire circumstances
(and not just because of all that wine).

Becoming more or less an observer,
my Faith screaming out to scratch
itches we cannot scratch and
just existing inside this wildly imperfect body.

I could write one of those stories of hope,
I think, because of these shared experiences.
I'm not sure what today will bring,
but it won't be boring.
The mountains look different every morning 
and it never gets old.

Christmas 2017
Words Source: Kay Metzger Groll

We Wrote To Each Other

Maybe we are living like a commune
     wolf pack
I was supposed to have the phone interview
It was all choppy
and starting and
wait wait wait, hope I didn't miss the love train
A nice time at the pool,
     It's great to hear from you.
Right in my own backyard,
the Santa Catalina Mountains.
surrounded by
the honey badger I do
admire that tough little guy
fighting the same battle
     I felt safe and loved.
At 4:30am, a good time for
a good memory.
     Expecto Patronum.
love the sound of wind
no time to
around feeling down
It was fun, we felt like adults
I think you wore my shoes
     What a year.
laughing through the tears
the most amazing mother
Beautiful sunrises, sunsets
I'm not sure how to add anything,
falling in love,
holding on to each other and our dogs, of course.
I'm not sure how
the absolute
of my life
has also been the absolute best.
Can't stop the tears from flowing. . .
They are happy
     tears. . .
About to leave for airport
We will call from sunny Tucson.

Christmas 2014
Words Sources: Kay Metzger Groll, Karen Hazelton, Karl Groll, Erik Silkensen, and Marcia Silkensen

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Redundancy In The Self-Help Section

My therapist moved back to Canada.
I've been looking into other ways
to receive feedback on the conversations
going on inside my head.
The trouble is, too many people
seem to have a market on this business.
One book told me to ignore the voice
because why would you want to listen to someone
who never ceases to have something to say?
Another book told me staying positive is an empty value
because negative thoughts give us the most valuable input
and it's ok to feel like shit.
In the famous book I'm reading with my students,
the hero of the story becomes that way entirely
by accident.
If I am to follow the advice of the first book,
I first have to decide the incessant commentator bothers me
and mute the damn thing.
The second book feels more targeted
towards people like me
(people who don't want to be monks),
but I can't shake the feeling that it might be somehow
making the same point as the first book.
The famous book came long before:
Tests, Allies, and Enemies confront the Hero of the Story
before he can return Home,
a Changed Man.