Change of Routine
I follow basically the same procedure every day:
Avoid waking up.
Perceive my environment.
Take care of the to-do list.
Count my blessings.
Interruptions inhibit my ability to perform well on the latter.
A pebble chipped my windshield and it was a full-blown collision course:
an unwanted conversation with a greasy nailed stranger,
an inconvenient hour forced spare on a Saturday,
sitting in a waiting room with an emaciated new mom.
She was counting down the minutes until the greasy nailed stranger could take them home
after fixing my windshield - my interruption all part of their weekend routine.
We All Want the Same Things
The elephant in the room trash talks during official meetings,
raising the question of what truly is and what truly isn't talked about.
Even though I like to believe that everyone has purely good intentions,
Phoebe said that there's no such thing as a selfless good deed and you see,
I think she's right, because Joey tried his darndest to prove her wrong,
but she had already realized we are all just looking out for ourselves.
I'm always watching others to see how they perceive me.
The elephants are in a tough spot because no one is ever honest with them,
avoiding eye contact in order to keep up appearances of work-place harmony,
finding one of the hundreds of ways to get through the day without offending anyone.
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